JÂN JEWELZ is a jewelry brand with Persian roots, based in Amsterdam, founded by Carli Bureynejad, a mixed blood who doesn’t like to put herself or others into boxes. While growing up in the Western world, she always been proud of her Persian roots, but also aware of the negative image of the Middle Eastern as portrayed in the media. This brand came to life from a desire to bridge gaps between the Western and the Middle Eastern world by embracing and showing the beauty of different people and the richness of culture, to help create more togetherness.


We want to build a community based on sisterhood, including all females and especially those who are often misrepresented within mainstream Western fashion. We celebrate diversities and lift each other up, we are Queens who fix each others crowns and build our empire together. An empire that transcends boundaries, where you can express your true self and find the beauty within.


JÂN JEWELZ is inspired by Middle Eastern vibes while offering contemporary jewelry pieces. Jân means soul/life, and is essentially a Persian word of endearment used after a person’s first name to mean “dear”. The idea is to express this beautiful meaning through our jewelry, to let your soul sparkle. “I want to spread positivity and empower women, besides that I got a love for finding treasures and creating beautiful content. So it’s time to share that and make the world a bit more beautiful.”